• Memorandum Order No. 4, Series of 2021, Guidelines on the Hiring & Renewal of Pakyaw Farm Laborers
  • Memorandum Order No. 3, Series of 2021, Observance of 2021 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)
  • Memorandum Order No. 2, Series of 2021, Documentary Requirements in the Pre-Audit of Disbursement for Common Government Transaction based on COA Circular No. 2012-001 dated June 14, 2012
  • Memorandum Order No. 1, Series of 2021, Observance of 2021 National Women’s Month Celebration

  • Memorandum Order No. 2, Series of 2017 – 2018, Approval of Allocation for HFCS & Crystalline Fructose Importers
  • Memorandum Order No. 1, Series of 2017, Designating the Members of the Disaster Risk Reduction & Management (DRRM) Team for the Sugarcane Industry

  • Memorandum Order, 2016 To All Department Managers All Division Chiefs, Directive from the President of Eradicating Corruption in Government
  • Memorandum Order No. 1, Series of 2016, Guidelines on the Organization of Placement Committee in the Implementation of the Approved Rationalization Plan of the Sugar Regulatory Administration
  • Memorandum Order No. 2, Series of 2016, Guidelines for the Conduct of Ecological Tests, National Cooperative Tests and Adaptibility Trials for Sugarcane Varieties

  • Memorandum, 2015 To All Sugar Mills/Planters Associations
  • Memorandum Order No. 1, Series of 2015, Policy on Moratorium of SRA Registration on New Applicants of Molasses-Based Bioethanol Production and Mandatory Feedstock Declaration of All Existing Bioethanol Producers
  • Memorandum, Series of 2016, Guidelines on the Organization of Placement Committee in the Implementation of the Approved Rationalization Plan of the Sugar Regulatory Administration

  • Memorandum, 2014 To SRA Stakeholders – Request for SRA Data
  • Memorandum – March 7, 2014 Fraudulent Solicitations Through Misrepresentations of the Secretary of Agriculture, Administrator of NFA or any other Government Agency
  • Memorandum Order No. 5, 2014 Submission of Reports Re: Accounting of Sugar Quedan-Permit Forms Issued for Crop Year 2013-2014
  • Memorandum, To All Sugar Mills.
  • Memorandum Order No. 4, 2014 Crop Year 2013-2014 Milling Termination Physical Sugar and Molasses Stock Inventory..
  • Memorandum Order No. 6, 2014 “No Gift Policy” of the Sugar Regulatory Administration
  • Memorandum Order No. 3, 2014 Disposal of Damaged Sugar and Treatment of Molasses loss Brought About by Super Typhoon Yolanda.
  • Memorandum Order No. 1, 2014, Quedanning of the Remaining Raw Sugar Production of Mills Hit by Super Typhoon Yolanda and Located in Areas Declared Under State of Calamity per Proclamation No. 682 dated November 11, 2013
  • Memorandum Order No. 2, 2014, Disposal of Damaged Sugar in Hideco Sugar Milling Company Brought About by Super Typhoon Yolanda