• Circular Letter No. 32, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors / Exporters / Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Change of Name of Mill Company and Short Name Assignment
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses, and Quedan-Permits Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Sugar Production for CY 2023-2024 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 27, All National Planter's Organization Federations / Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 26, All Mill / Refinery Companies and Sugar Production and Regulation Officer (SPROs)
  • Circular Letter No. 25, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/ Food Processors / Exporters / Importers with Approved SRA Clearance of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Application for Milling/Refining License For Crop Year 2024-2025
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Updated List of International/Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Updated List of International/Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Updated List of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Updated List of Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 19, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/ Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for April 2024
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/ Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the Month of February 2024
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2023-2024, Raw Sugar Production By Producer By Affiliation for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the Month of January 2024
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2023-2024, Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2023-2024, Updated List of International/Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2023-2024, Updated List of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2023-2024, Updated List of Muscovado Traders With a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2023-2024, Updated List of International/Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2023-2024, Individual Planter’s Sugar Production For CY 2022-23
  • Circular Letter No.7, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2023
  • Circular Letter No.6, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2023-2024, First Listing of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2023-2024, First Listing of International / Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2023-2024, First Listing of Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2023-2024, First Listing of International/ Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No.1, Series of 2023-2024, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2023

  • Circular Letter No. 40, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International/ Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2022-2023, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan-Permits Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2022-2023, Printing of Crop year 2023-2024 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2022-2023, List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2022-2023, List of International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2022-2023, Specimen Signatures for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2022-2023, Additional Specimen Signatures for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2022-2023, List of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2022-2023, List of International / Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2022-2023, List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2022-2023, Raw Sugar Production by Producer / By Affiliation for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 12-A, Series of 2022-2023, Amendment to CL No. 12, s. 2022-2023 dated January 26, 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2022-2023, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2022-2023, Validity of Milling License
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International / Domestic Molasses Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2022-2023, Updated List of International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2022-2023, Application for Milling / Refining License for Crop Year 2023-2024
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2022-2023, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2022-2023, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2022-2023, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2023
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2022-2023, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 28-A,, Series of 2022-2023, Amendment to CL 28 s. 2022-2023 on th Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2022-2023, All National Planters’ Organization/ Federations/ Associations.
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2022-2023, Closing of Crop Year 2022-2023.
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2022-2023, Sugar Production For Crop Year 2022-2023 By Affiliation.

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 3,, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2021-2022, Guidelines Governing the Online Payment System for the SRA Regulatory Service Fees Through the Landbank Link.Biz Portal
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2021-2022, Raw Sugar Production by Producers / by Affliation for crop year 2020-2021
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2021-2022, Specimen Signature and Initial of Deputy Administrator of Regulation Department
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2021-2022, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 14,, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2021-2022, List of International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2021-2022, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2021-2022, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2021-2022, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Application For Milling/Refining License For Crop Year 2022-2023
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Closing Of Crop Year 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Sugar Production For Crop Year 2021-2022 By Affiliation.
  • Circular Letter No. 26, All National Planters’ Organization/ Federations/ Associations for CY 2021-2022.
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Additional Specimen Signature for CY 2021-2022.
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Sugar Production Update for CY 2021-2022.
  • Circular Letter No. 29, SRA Online Payment System Channels.
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Printing of Crop year 2022-2023 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2021-2022, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan-Permits Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2022
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2021-2022, Final List of International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2021-2022, Final List of International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders with a Certificate of License to Operate (LTO) as Trader for CY 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2021-2022, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2022

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2020 – 2021, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2020 – 2021, Change of Name of Mill Company and Short Name Assignment
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Lending Programs for Various Agribusiness Activities
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2020 – 2021, 1st Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2020 – 2021, 1st Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2020 – 2021, Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2020 – 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 10,, Series of 2020 – 2021, Revised Application Form for SRA Registration of Bioethanol as Manufacturer/Producer
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2020 – 2021, Revised Application Form for License to Operate (LTO) as Trader (Sugar, Molasses, Muscovado and Fructose)
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2020 – 2021, Revised Application Form for Milling License and Refining License
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2020 – 2021, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/ by Affiliation for Crop Year 2019-2020
  • Circular Letter No. 13-A, Series of 2020 – 2021, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/ by Affiliation shares and percentages for Crop Year 2019-2020
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2020 – 2021, Revised SRA Trader’s Activity Report
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2020 – 2021, Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2020 – 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2020 – 2021, Updated Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2020 – 2021, Change of Name of Mill Company and Short Name Assignment
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2020 – 2021, Amended Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation shares and percentages for CY 2019-2020
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2020 – 2021, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2020 – 2021, All National Planter’s Organization Federation/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2020 – 2021, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/ By Affiliation for Crop Year 2021-2022
  • Circular Letter No. 27-A, Series of 2020 – 2021, Cancellation of Circular Letter No. 27 series of 2020-2021 dated June 01, 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2020 – 2021, IATF-EID Resolution No. 117, Series of 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2020 – 2021, IATF-EID Resolution No. 117, Series of 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2020 – 2021, Sugar Production for CY 2020-2021 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2020 – 2021, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2020 – 2021, Updated Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and International Traders for Fructose
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2020 – 2021, Updated Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2020 – 2021, Printing of Crop Year 2021-2022 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2020 – 2021, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan-Permits Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2021
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2020 – 2021, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2021

  • Circular Letter No. 46, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2019 – 2020, 1st Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2019 – 2020, 1st Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2019 – 2020, Raw Sugar Production by Producer / By Affiliation for CY 2018-2019
  • Circular Letter No. 6-A, Series of 2019 – 2020, Amendment to CL # 6 series of 2019-2020 dated October 31, 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2019 – 2020, 2nd Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2019 – 2020, 2nd Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2019 – 2020, Specimen Signature
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2019 – 2020, Unrestricted and unhampered movement of food supply and transit of personnel and cargo of business establishments allowed to operate during the enhanced community quarantine
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2019 – 2020, Truck Drivers and Truck Helpers in the Transport of Food and Non-Food Supplies
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2019 – 2020, Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 series of 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2019 – 2020, Unhampered Movement of Food Commodities
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2019 – 2020, DOLE’s Reply to SRA’s request relative to Social Amelioration Program (SAP) for Sugar Workers pursuant to Republic Act No. 6982
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2019 – 2020, DOLE Memorandum dated 06 April 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2019 – 2020, Extension of the Validity of Previously-Issued Food Passes until the lifting of the Enhanced Community Quarantine
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2019 – 2020, DILG Advisory dated 11 April 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2019 – 2020, Agriculture and Fishery Sector as Frontliners in Ensuring Food Security of the Country
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2019 – 2020, DA Memorandum Order No. 22, Expanded Sure Aid and Recovery Project Guidelines for Ahon Lahat, Pagkaing Sapat Kontra Sa COVID-19 (ALPAS SA COVID-19) Program
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2019 – 2020, 3rd Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2019 – 2020, 3rd Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 30,, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2019 – 2020, Amendment to Circular Letter No. 19, series of 2014-2015 Entitled “Guidelines on Production of Bioethanol”
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2019 – 2020, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2019 – 2020, Printing of Crop Year 2020-2021 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2019 – 2020, Application for Milling and Refining License for Crop Year 2020-2021
  • Circular Letter No. 37-A, Series of 2019 – 2020, Amending Circular Letter No. 37 s. 2019-2020, dated June 25, 2020 Re Application for Milling and Refining License for Crop Year 2020-2021
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2019 – 2020, Closing of Crop Year 2019-2020
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2019 – 2020, All National Planter’s Organization Federations/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 40, Series of 2019 – 2020, Sugar Production for CY 2019-2020 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 41, Series of 2019 – 2020, Specimen Signature
  • Circular Letter No. 41-A, Series of 2019 – 2020, Specimen Signature
  • Circular Letter No. 42, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 43, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 44, Series of 2019 – 2020, Online Application and Payment of All Fees/Charges
  • Circular Letter No. 45, Series of 2019 – 2020, Stop Order

  • Circular Letter No.1, Series of 2018-2019, First Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No.2, Series of 2018-2019, First Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No.3, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2018
  • Circular Letter No.4, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2018
  • Circular Letter No.5, Series of 2018-2019, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation for Crop Year 2017-2018
  • Circular Letter No.6, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2018
  • Circular Letter No.7, Series of 2018-2019, Second Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No.8, Series of 2018-2019, Second Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No.9, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2018
  • Circular Letter No.10, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No.11, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2019
  • Circular Letter No.12, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2019
  • Circular Letter No.13, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No.14, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No.15, Series of 2018 – 2019, Final Rule on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Organic Regulations
  • Circular Letter No.16, Series of 2018 – 2019, Newly Registered Sugar Mill
  • Circular Letter No.17, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2019
  • Circular Letter No.18, Series of 2018-2019, Third Listing of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and HFCS International Traders
  • Circular Letter No.19, Series of 2018-2019, Third Listing of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2019
  • Circular Letter No.21, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No.22, Series of 2018 – 2019, Revised Application Form for License to Operate (LTO) as Trader (FM-REG-LMD-001-REV.05 Effectivity date: May 24, 2019)
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2018-2019, Printing of Crop Year 2019-2020 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2018-2019, Tariff Increase For Foreign and Domestic Cargoes
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2018-2019, All National Planter’s Organization Federations/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2018-2019, Sugar Production for CY 2018 – 2019 By Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2018-2019, Closing of Crop Year 2018 – 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2018-2019, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2018-2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2018-2019, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2019 – 2020
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2018 – 2019, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2019
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2018 – 2019, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2019 – 2020, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2019

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2017 – 2018, Specimen Signature and Initial of Mr. Josephino M. Agosto, OIC, Office of the Deputy Administrator
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2017 – 2018, Specimen Signature and Initial of Ms. Rosemarie S. Gumera, Manager III, Planning & Policy Department and OIC-Office of the Deputy Administrator
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2017 – 2018, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation for Crop Year 2016-2017
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2017 – 2018, Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2017-2018
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2017 – 2018, Specimen Signature of Romualdo Vijandre
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2017 – 2018, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2017 – 2018, Updated List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2017 – 2018, Updated List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2017 – 2018, Closing of Crop Year 2017-2018
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2017 – 2018, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2018-2019
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2017 – 2018, Sugar Production for CY 2017-2018 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2017 – 2018, Updating the National Directory of all National Planters Organizations/Federations/Associations for CY 2018-2019
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Mills/Planter’s Associations with the Corresponding Conversion Rights for Crop Years 2017-2018 and 2016-2017 and the List of Traders with Verified/Confirmed “D” Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2017 – 2018, Clarifying Section 2 of Sugar Order No. 10, Series of 2017-2018 on Bottlers’ Grade Redefined Sugar and Standard Grade Sugar for the Sugar Import Program for Crop Year 2017-2018
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2017 – 2018, Specimen Signature and Initial of Ms. Daisy Corazon N. Fabia, OIC, Office of the Deputy Administrator of Regulation Department
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Mills/Planters’ Associations with the Corresponding Reclassification Rights Under the Sugar Import Program for Crop Year 2017-2018
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2017 – 2018, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2017 – 2018, Printing of Crop Year 2018 – 2019 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2017 – 2018, Revised Application Form For License To Operate As Trader
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2017 – 2018, Updated List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2017 – 2018, Updated List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) International Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2017 – 2018, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2018

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders – 2nd listing
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders – 2nd listing
  • Circular Letter No. 8,, Series of 2016 – 2017, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation for Crop Year 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2016 – 2017, Specimen Signature and Initial of Administrator Anna Rosario V. Paner
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2016 – 2017, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2015 – 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders – 3rd listing
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders – 3rd listing
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 21,, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2016 – 2017, Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) on the Issuance of Clearance for Release of Imported High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Chemically Pure Sucrose
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2016 – 2017, Specimen Signature & Initial of Mr. Luis M. Marajas, OIC-Deputy Administrator
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2016 – 2017, Making Available the “D” World Market Sugar Produced During CY 2016-2017 to Food Processors/Manufacturers of Sugar-Based Products for Export, Export to the World Market and Accredited Ethanol Producers
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2016 – 2017, Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Sugar Order No. 4, Series of 2014-2015 Re: Validity and Expiration of Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders – 4th listing
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders – 4th listing
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2016 – 2017, Printing of Crop Year 2017 – 2018 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2016 – 2017, Closing of Crop Year 2016 – 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2016 – 2017, To: All National Planter’s Organization Federations/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2016 – 2017, Sugar Production for CY 2016 – 2017 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 40, Series of 2016 – 2017, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2017 – 2018
  • Circular Letter No. 42, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Molasses / Muscovado Traders – 5th listing
  • Circular Letter No. 43, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders – 5th listing
  • Circular Letter No. 44, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 45, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 46, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders – 6th listing
  • Circular Letter No. 47, Series of 2016 – 2017, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 48, Series of 2016 – 2017, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 49, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2017
  • Circular Letter No. 50, Series of 2016 – 2017, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2017

  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2015 – 2016, Additional Specimen Signature for Crop Year 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2015 – 2016, Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 1-A, Series of 2015 – 2016, Amendment to Circular Letter No. 1 Series of 2015-2016 Re: Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2015 – 2016, Monitoring of Bid Results of Sugar and Molasses
  • Clarificatory Letter to Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2015 – 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2015 – 2016, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation for Crop Year 2014-2015
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2015
  • Circular Letter No.10, Series of 2015 – 2016, Block Farm Accreditation Guidelines
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2015 – 2016, Clarifying Section 4.1 of Sugar Order No. 4, Series of 2015-2016 on First Come-First Served with Vessel Presentation
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2015 – 2016, Guidelines on the “B” Sugar Replacement Program under Section 8 of Sugar Order No. 4, Series of 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2015 – 2016, Newly Registered Sugar Mill
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2015 – 2016, Sugar Production for CY 2015 – 2016 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2015 – 2016, Closing of Crop Year CY 2015 – 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2015 – 2016, All National Planter’s Organization Federations/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Mills/Planters’ Associations with the Corresponding Reclassification Rights for CY 2014-2015
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2015 – 2016, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2016-2017
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2015 – 2016, Printing of Crop Year 2016-2017 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2016
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2015 – 2016, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2015 – 2016, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 36-A, Series of 2015 – 2016, Amendment to Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2015-2016 Re: Physical Sugar Stocks, Quedans and Molasses Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2015 – 2016, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2016

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2014-2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2014-2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2014-2015, Specimen Signature for Crop Years 2014-2015
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2014-2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2014-2015, USDA FDA 2014 Food Facility Registration Renewal
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2014-2015, Comment on Setting up an Expiration on the Validity of Sugar Quedans and its Revalidation
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of September 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of October 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2014-2015, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/By Affiliation for Crop Year 2013 – 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2014-2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of November 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2014-2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of December 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2014-2015, Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) Re: Validity and Expiration of Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2014-2015, Amendment to Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2008 – 2009 Entitled “Guidelines on the Production of Bioethanol”
  • Circular Letter No. 18-A, Series of 2014-2015, Addendum to Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2014-2015 on the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) Re: Validity and Expiration of Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered International/Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2014-2015, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of January 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2014 -2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of February 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of March 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2014-2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of April 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2014 -2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of May 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2014 -2015, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2015-2016
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2014 -2015, Sugar Production for CY 2014-2015 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2014 -2015, All National Planter’s Organization Federations/Associations
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2014 -2015, Closing of Crop Year 2014-2015
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Registered Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Registered Domestic SugarTraders
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Mills/Planters Associations With The Corresponding Conversion Rights For CY 2014-2015 & CY 2013-2014 And List Of Traders With Verified “D” Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2014 -2015, Printing of Crop Year 2015-2016 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of June 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2014 -2015, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of July 2015
  • Circular Letter No. 40, Series of 2014 -2015, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 41, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Mills/Planters Associations With The Corresponding Conversion Rights For CY 2014-2015 and List Of Traders With Verified “A” Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 42, Series of 2014 -2015, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2015

  • Circular Letter No. 1, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 2, Series of 2013-2014, Specimen Signatures for Crop Year 2013 – 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 3, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 4, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 5, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 6, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 7, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 8, Series of 2013-2014, Raw Sugar Production by Producer/by Affiliation for Crop Year 2012-2013
  • Circular Letter No. 9, Series of 2013-2014, Additional Signatories for Crop Year 2013 – 2014
  • Circular Letter No. 10, Series of 2013-2014, Authorized Signatories for the Regulation Department Documents in the Absence of the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator II
  • Circular Letter No. 11, Series of 2013-2014, Correction to Quedan Permit Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 12, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 13, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 14, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 15, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 16, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 17, Series of 2013-2014, Additional Specimen Signatures
  • Circular Letter No. 18, Series of 2013-2014, Additional Signatory Authorized to Sign for Surcharging of Swapped Sugar Quedans
  • Circular Letter No. 19, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 20, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 21, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 22, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 23, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 24, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered International/Domestic Molasses/Muscovado Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 25, Series of 2013-2014, List of Registered International / Domestic Sugar Traders
  • Circular Letter No. 26, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 27, Series of 2013-2014, Stop Order
  • Circular Letter No. 28, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators / Food Processors/ Exporters/ Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar
  • Circular Letter No. 29, Series of 2013-2014, Application for Milling/Refining License for Crop Year 2014-2014
  • Circular Letter No. 30, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Custom Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar.
  • Circular Letter No. 31, Series of 2013-2014, Closing of Crop Year 2013-2014
  • Circular Letter No. 32, Series of 2013-2014, Sugar Production for CY 2013-2014 by Affiliation
  • Circular Letter No. 33, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar.
  • Circular Letter No. 34, Series of 2013-2014, Physical Sugar Stock, Molasses and Quedan Inventory
  • Circular Letter No. 35, Series of 2013-2014, Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) Re: Compulsory Disposition of the Raw Sugar Covered by Outstanding Quedans of Crop Year 2011-2012 and Prior Years
  • Circular Letter No. 36, Series of 2013-2014, Additional Signatory for Certificate of Registration of Sugar, Molasses and Muscovado Traders per Sugar Order No. 12 dated July 4, 2011 and Sugar Order No. 9 dated March 16, 2009, Series of 2008-2009, Amending Sugar Order No. 6 dated June 24, 2005, Series of 2004-2005
  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2013-2014, Printing of Crop Year 2014 – 2015 Sugar Quedan Forms
  • Circular Letter No. 38, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar.
  • Circular Letter No. 35-A, Series of 2013-2014, Supplemental Rules and Regulations Implementing Sugar Order Nos. 12 and 12-A, Series of 2013-2014
  • Circular Letter No. 39, Series of 2013-2014, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse (CBW) Operators/Food Processors/Exporters/Importers with Approved SRA Clearances of Imported Sugar for the month of August 2014

  • Circular Letter No. 37, Series of 2011-2012, List of Accredited Customs Bonded Warehouse Operators with approved SRA clearances of imported sugar. (September, 2012)